Wanted to give this weeks scores for Kingy vs Lawro vs Buttsy!
In this Premier League prediction game each player gets 3 points for guessing a correct score, 1 point for guessing the correct result and 0 for anything else.
This weeks scores were Buttsy: 11 Kingy:10 and Lawro:9
Haddow is now involved - us three made our predictions for next weekend on yesterday's podcast - we await Lawro's Friday predictions.
So the winner each week gets 3 points, the runners up 1 each (unless either of them are more than 5 points away from the winners total - in wihch case they've had a shocker so deserve O.
The standings after week 1 are thus:
1. Buttsy 3 pts
2. Kingy 1 pt
3. Lawro 1 pt
4. Haddow 0 pts
Keep reading!
running away with it